Doctors, dental surgeons or midwives who do not practice in an establishment, service or centre mentioned in article R. 5121-88 or who do not meet the conditions set out in article R. 5121-91 may be authorised to administer themselves certain medicinal products classified in one of the categories mentioned in 1°, 2°, 3° or 4° of article R. 5121-77. This authorisation is only valid in cases where they intervene in an emergency situation or as part of a mobile medical assistance or medical repatriation structure.
When the marketing authorisation for a medicinal product which has been classified in accordance with 1°, 2° or 3° of article R. 5121-77 nevertheless authorises the direct administration provided for in the previous paragraph, it may restrict this possibility to certain categories of prescribers mentioned in article R. 5121-91 or to whom certain qualifications have been recognised. This restriction may only be imposed if it is justified by the constraints involved in implementing the treatment, having regard to the specific nature of the disease and the pharmacological characteristics of the medicinal product, its degree of innovation or another public health reason.
The marketing authorisation for the medicinal product lays down the conditions of use of this medicinal product by doctors, dental surgeons or midwives who are authorised to administer it directly.