The responsible pharmacist is :
1° In the companies referred to in article L. 5124-2 :
a) In public limited companies other than those governed by articles L. 225-57 et seq. of the Commercial Code, the Chairman of the Board of Directors who is the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Executive Officer or a Deputy Chief Executive Officer;
b) In sociétés anonymes governed by these articles, either the Chairman of the Management Board, or another member of the Management Board with the status of Managing Director, or the sole Managing Director;
c) In sociétés en commandite par actions, sociétés à responsabilité limitée, entreprises unipersonnelles à responsabilité limitée, sociétés en nom collectif and sociétés en commandite simple, a manager ;
d) In simplified joint stock companies, either the company chairman, the managing director or the deputy managing director;
The articles of association are drafted in such a way as to enable the pharmacist in charge to effectively carry out all of the tasks mentioned in article R. 5124-36.
2° In not-for-profit humanitarian organisations, the president, a vice-president or one of the persons in charge of management;
3° In wholesale distributors of blood-derived medicinal products, a member of their management;
4° In the Agence nationale de santé publique, a member of the management;
5° In the bodies or establishments mentioned in article L. 5124-9-1 :
a) In public administrative establishments other than health establishments and in public scientific and technological establishments, one of the members of the board of directors or, failing that, the person designated by the legal representative of the legal entity concerned;
b) In public industrial and commercial establishments, one of the members of the Board of Directors;
c) In public interest groups, the director or a person appointed by the general meeting or the board of directors;
d) In public interest foundations with a board of directors, governed by law no. 87-571 of 23 July 1987 , as amended, on the development of sponsorship, the chairman of the board of directors or another member of the executive committee;
e) In public interest foundations with a supervisory board and management board, governed by the aforementioned law no. 87-571 of 23 July 1987, the chairman of the supervisory board or the chairman of the management board or another member of the management board;
f) In scientific cooperation foundations, governed by articles L. 344-11 et seq. of the French Research Code, the chairman or another member of the foundation’s board of directors;
g) In associations governed by the amended law of 1st July 1901 relating to the contract of association, the president elected by the general meeting or another member of the association’s executive committee or one of the persons in charge of management;
In the central pharmacy of the armed forces and in the medical supply establishments of the armed forces health service, the pharmacist in charge of the pharmaceutical establishments under their authority is the pharmacist covered by the provisions of article L. 4138-2 of the Defence Code designated by the Minister of Defence.