I.-In application of 7° of article L. 5125-1-1 A, the patient may designate a pharmacist who holds a dispensary or who manages a mutualist or miner’s aid pharmacy, participating in the same coordinated practice within the systems mentioned in articles L. 1411-11, L. 1434-12, L. 6323-1-10 and L. 6323-3 as the patient’s attending doctor, as the corresponding pharmacist for the health insurance scheme, with the pharmacist’s agreement. The pharmacist so designated shall inform the patient’s attending physician. He may be replaced in this role, with the patient’s agreement, by a pharmacist working in the same pharmacy.
II-The corresponding pharmacist may periodically renew chronic treatments and adjust their dosage, if necessary, under the following conditions.
The health project for the system in which the corresponding pharmacist and the attending doctor are involved defines the procedures for informing the doctor, particularly in the event of a dosage adjustment.
The medical prescription includes a statement authorising the renewal by the corresponding pharmacist of all or part of the treatments prescribed and, where applicable, a statement authorising the adjustment of the dosage of all or part of the treatments.
The pharmacy or the pharmacy of a mutual health insurance company or a pharmacy of a mining relief organisation must have soundproofed and visually insulated premises enabling patients to be received individually. The same condition applies when the pharmacist works with a resident in a medico-social establishment.
III – The total duration of the prescription and all renewals made by the corresponding pharmacist may not exceed twelve months.
The Minister for Health may, for public health reasons, set a list of treatments that are not eligible for the scheme provided for in 7° of article L. 5125-1-1 A by order.
IV -When pharmacists dispense medicinal products in application of II of this article, the provisions of articles R. 5132-9, R. 5132-10, R. 5132-12, R. 5132-13, R. 5132-14 and R. 5134-1 apply.
The pharmacist shall indicate on the prescription the renewal and, where applicable, the dosage adjustment made.
Where they exist, the pharmaceutical record referred to in article R. 1111-20-1 and the shared medical record referred to in article L. 161-36-1 of the Social Security Code take into account the information provided for in the previous paragraph.