For the application of 8° of article L. 5125-1-1 A, the dispensing pharmacist may:
1° Implement pharmaceutical monitoring and support measures. They shall prevent iatrogenic medication use. They guarantee the correct use of medicinal products and monitor compliance by analysing information relating to the patient and all his/her treatments. Unless the patient objects, the resulting recommendations are formalised and forwarded to the patient’s doctor;
2° Implementing preventive and health promotion measures among the priority action areas of the national health strategy defined in application of article L. 1411-1-1. Within this framework, it contributes to awareness and information campaigns on public health issues. It transmits scientifically validated information on prevention methods and diseases to the various audiences concerned, with a view to delivering a message that is appropriate and accessible to the public;
3° Participating in real-life evaluation of medicines, medical devices and therapeutic innovation in collaboration with the health authorities;
4° Participating in screening for infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases;
5° Participating in the coordination of care in collaboration with all the professionals involved in patient care, in accordance with the care pathway coordinated by the attending doctor referred to inarticle L. 162-5-3 of the Social Security Code.