For the purposes of 2° of article L. 5143-2, the following definitions apply
1° “Prohibition on keeping a dispensary open”:
The prohibition on any veterinarian from preparing extemporaneously, and dispensing by retail, a veterinary medicinal product, whether or not subject to compulsory prescription, when it is intended to be administered :
a) To an animal or to several animals for which he does not personally provide care or for which he does not ensure health surveillance and regular care ;
b) To animals for which he personally provides care or whose health and care he regularly monitors, if this medicinal product has no connection with this care or monitoring.
2° “Giving personal care”: the fact that a veterinarian carries out a clinical examination or any medical or surgical operation on the animal, on the animals or on one or more animals in the same batch. This examination or operation may be accompanied by or consist of a necropsy examination of one or more animals in the same batch.
3° “Health surveillance and care regularly entrusted to the veterinarian”: the permanent health monitoring of animals of species whose flesh or products are intended for human consumption, as well as animals bred for commercial purposes. It includes in particular
a) Carrying out a farm health check ;
b) Drawing up and implementing a care protocol;
c) Regular monitoring visits;
d) The regular provision of care and medical or surgical procedures.