During the examination of marketing authorisation applications, the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail may order any investigative measure he deems necessary and in particular:
1° Carry out any investigation relating to the manufacture of the medicinal product ;
2° Consult the experts who have been chosen to carry out the tests with a view to compiling the marketing authorisation application dossier;
3° Seek the opinion of experts appointed by it;
4° Appoint rapporteurs to ensure that applications comply with the provisions of this Code;
5° Submit the medicinal product and, if necessary, its raw materials, intermediate products or other constituents, to the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety or a laboratory designated by it, to ensure that the control methods used by the manufacturer and described in the marketing authorisation application dossier are satisfactory. Where appropriate, it will check the analytical method proposed by the applicant for detecting residues;
6° Request from the applicant any additional information required to examine the application. The period provided for inarticle R. 5141-28 is then suspended until receipt of the information requested.