A veterinary pharmaceutical establishment which manufactures medicinal products mentioned in 1° of article R. 5142-1 has a documentation system comprising specifications, manufacturing formulae, procedures and statements, reports and records, covering the various operations which it carries out.
For veterinary medicinal products other than those subject to clinical trials, the documents relating to each batch are kept by the veterinary pharmaceutical establishment which manufactures it, for at least one year after the expiry date of the batch concerned and for at least five years after its release.
For veterinary medicinal products undergoing clinical trials, the documents relating to each batch are kept by the veterinary pharmaceutical establishment which manufactures them, for at least one year after the expiry date of the batch and for at least five years after the end of the trial or its interruption. When the trials result in the marketing of the veterinary medicinal product, these documents are kept beyond the above-mentioned periods and until five years after the end of the marketing.
Veterinary pharmaceutical establishments, which import veterinary medicinal products under the conditions mentioned in article R. 5142-46, hold these documents and keep them for the same periods.