Any veterinary pharmaceutical establishment of a company mentioned in Article R. 5142-1 engaged in wholesale, free transfer or wholesale distribution shall keep, for each incoming and outgoing transaction, at least the following information:
1° The date of the transaction ;
2° The name of the veterinary medicinal product ;
3° The batch number and expiry date;
4° The quantity received or supplied;
5° The name and address of the supplier and recipient.
This information may be recorded by any appropriate system allowing immediate publication at the request of the supervisory authorities and not allowing any modification of the data once it has been validated.
At least once a year, the pharmaceutical establishment referred to in the first paragraph must compare the list of medicinal products received and dispatched with the medicinal products in stock, and any discrepancies must be recorded in a report.
The information retained or recorded is kept for five years at the disposal of the competent inspectorate and the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail.
Any veterinary pharmaceutical establishment referred to in the first paragraph must ensure that the legal entities or individuals to whom it delivers are authorised to retail veterinary medicinal products, in accordance with articles L. 5143-2, L. 5143-6 and L. 5143-8.