Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is authorised to cease to retain all records and documents relating directly or indirectly to payments of sums or remittances of securities or bills of exchange consigned or deposited when thirty years have elapsed from the date of payment or remittance of the securities.
It is authorised to cease to retain after the same period all records and documents relating directly or indirectly to payments or reimbursements of capital and ancillary interest made on its behalf or on behalf of the departments or bodies it manages.
By way of derogation from the rule laid down in the preceding paragraphs, it is authorised to cease to retain, after a period of ten years only, all documents relating directly or indirectly to payments and remittances of securities made to the Treasury pursuant to special enactments instituting a forfeiture or prescription period in favour of the State, as well as to payments or reimbursements of capital in respect of which the interested parties may, by virtue of special enactments, only exercise their rights for a maximum period of five years.