For the purposes of this Title, the following definitions shall apply
1° Operator of a medical device: any natural or legal person who assumes legal responsibility for the activity requiring the use of this device or who makes this device accessible to third parties;
2° Maintenance of a medical device: all the activities intended to maintain or restore a medical device in a given state or in given conditions of operational safety in order to perform a required function; the conditions under which maintenance is carried out are laid down contractually, where applicable, between the manufacturer or the third-party maintenance supplier and the operator;
3° Quality control of a medical device, all the operations intended to evaluate the maintenance of the performance claimed by the manufacturer or, where applicable, set by the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé; quality control is said to be internal, if it is carried out by the operator or under his responsibility by a service provider; it is said to be external, if it is carried out by a body that is independent of the operator, the manufacturer and the party responsible for the maintenance of the device.