I.-The authorities or bodies designated in III will issue a certificate to any beneficiary of the obligation to employ disabled workers mentioned in article L. 5212-2 when the decision provided for in 2°, 3°, 4°, 5° and 9° of article L. 5212-13, as appropriate, is notified. This certificate mentions the recognition of the status of beneficiary of the employment obligation with a view to professional integration. An order issued by the ministers responsible for employment and disabled persons sets out the model for this certificate.
II-Any decision taken in application of 1° and 11° of Article L. 5212-13 includes a mention of the rights to which its beneficiary is entitled for professional integration under the obligation to employ disabled workers.
In addition, any decision to award the “mobility and inclusion” card bearing the “disability” mention will specify to the holder that he/she is a beneficiary of the obligation to employ disabled workers for the purposes of professional integration, without it being necessary to take any additional steps to obtain recognition of the status of disabled worker.
III – The authorities or bodies that issue the decisions or certificates mentioned in this article are, depending on the case :
1° The Minister of Defence, or the Minister of the Interior for members of the National Gendarmerie ;
2° The primary health insurance fund ;
3° The mutualité sociale agricole.