In order for the agreement mentioned in article L. 5212-8 to be approved, the multi-year programme it provides for must include a recruitment plan and a plan to maintain employment in the company.
These documents are accompanied by objectives, which must include, in particular, for each year of implementation of the programme, the number of beneficiaries of the employment obligation mentioned in article L. 5212-13 in relation to the workforce subject to the obligation and the number of these beneficiaries whose recruitment is envisaged. They also specify the projected funding for the various actions planned.
The amount of funding by the employer for the multi-year programme is at least equal, per year, to the amount of the contribution mentioned in article L. 5212-10 due for that same year, excluding the expenses mentioned in article L. 5212-11 taken into account for the deduction provided for in that same article.
Where the programme includes actions to raise awareness among the company’s employees or steering and monitoring actions, the sums devoted to financing these actions may not exceed 25% of the total sums devoted to financing the actions provided for in the agreement.
The multi-annual programme is drawn up for each calendar year.