To be registered on the jobseekers’ list, foreign workers must hold one of the following documents and residence permits:
1° The residence permit issued pursuant to 5° of the article L. 411-1 du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile ou la carte de résident portant la mention ” carte de résident de longue durée-UE ” délivrée en application du 6° de l’article L. 411-1 of this code;
2° The temporary or multi-annual residence permit bearing the wording “private and family life”, issued pursuant to articles L. 423-1, L. 423-2, L. 423-7, L. 423-13, L. 423-14, L. 423-15, L. 423-21, L. 423-22, L. 423-23, L. 425-1, L. 425-6, L. 425-9, L. 426-5, L. 433-4, L. 433-5 and L. 433-6 of this code, or the long-stay visa valid as a residence permit mentioned in 6° and 15° of article R. 431-16 of this code;
3° The temporary residence permit bearing the wording “private and family life”, issued pursuant to I of article L. 426-12 of the same code authorising its holder to work from the second year following issue, or pursuant to article L. 426-13 of this code authorising its holder to work provided that they have been residing in France for at least one year;
4° La carte de séjour portant la mention ” passeport talent ” délivrée en application des articles L. 421-9, L. 421-11, L. 421-13, L. 421-14, L. 421-15, L. 421-20 and L. 421-21 of this code or the residence permit bearing the words “talent passport (family)” issued in application of articles L. 421-22, L. 421-23 and L. 422-13 of this code, as well as the long-stay visa valid as a residence permit corresponding to these reasons for residence;
5° The residence permit bearing the words “salarié détaché ICT (famille)” or “salarié détaché mobile ICT (famille)”, issued pursuant to Articles L. 421-28 and L. 421-29 of this code, or the long-stay visa valid as a residence permit mentioned in 11° of article R. 431-16 of this code, provided that the holder has acquired entitlement to unemployment benefit;
6° The temporary residence permit bearing the wording “ICT trainee (family)” issued pursuant to the second paragraph of I of article L. 421-32 of this code, or the long-stay visa valid as a residence permit mentioned in 12° of article R. 431-16 of the same code, once the holder has acquired entitlement to unemployment benefit;
7° The multi-annual residence permit bearing the word “employee” issued in application of article L. 433-4 of the same code;
8° The temporary residence permit bearing the word “employee”, issued pursuant to article L. 421-1 of the same code or the long-stay visa valid as a residence permit mentioned in 7° of article R. 431-16 of the same code, accompanied by the work permit;
9° La carte de séjour délivrée en application de l’article L. 233-4 of the same code to a national of a Member State of the European Union subject to transitional measures by its accession treaty, or the residence permit bearing the words “family member of a Union citizen”, pursuant to article L. 233-5 of the same code;
10° La carte de séjour temporaire portant la mention ” travailleur temporaire “, délivrée en application de l’article L. 421-3 of the same code or the long-stay visa valid as a residence permit mentioned in 8° of article R. 431-16 of the same code, when the employment contract, concluded with an employer established in France, has been terminated before its term, due to the employer, for a reason attributable to him or for a case of force majeure;
11° The holder of the temporary residence permit “seeking employment or setting up a business” issued pursuant to article L. 422-10 or L. 422-14 of the same code or the long-stay visa valid as a residence permit bearing the same reference, mentioned in 14° of article R. 431-16 of the same code;
12° La carte de séjour temporaire ou pluriannuelle portant la mention ” étudiant ” ou ” étudiant-programme de mobilité “, délivrée en application des articles L. 422-1, L. 422-2, L. 422-5, L. 422-6 and L. 433-4 of the same code as well as the long-stay visa valid as a residence permit bearing the wording “student” or “student-mobility programme” mentioned in 13° of article R. 431-16 of the same code, benefiting from a work permit pursuant to 1° of II of article R 5221-3 of this code, when their employment contract, in relation to their university course, has been terminated at the initiative of their employer or due to force majeure;
13° The multi-annual residence permit bearing the words “beneficiary of subsidiary protection” or the words “family member of a beneficiary of subsidiary protection”, mentioned in article L. 424-9 and L. 424-11 du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile;
14° La carte de séjour pluriannuelle portant la mention ” bénéficiaire du statut d’apatride ” ou la mention ” membre de la famille d’un bénéficiaire du statut d’apatride “, mentionnée à l’article L. 424-18 and L. 424-19 of the same code;
15° L’autorisation provisoire de séjour portant la mention ” autorise son titulaire à travailler ” ;
16° L’autorisation provisoire de séjour délivrée en application de l’article L. 425-4 du même code ;
17° Le récépissé de première demande de titre de séjour portant la mention ” autorise son titulaire à travailler ” ;
18° Le récépissé de renouvellement de titre de séjour portant la mention ” autorise son titulaire à travailler ” ;
19° L’attestation de décision favorable portant la mention ” autorise son titulaire à travailler ” ;
20° The extension certificate bearing the words “authorises its holder to work”.