Subject to the provisions of article R. 5221-22, employment contracts concluded as part of schemes to promote employment provided for in Book I of Part Five or as part of lifelong vocational training provided for in Part Six of this Code do not allow the issue of the residence permits mentioned in 6°, 8°, 17° and 20° of article R. 5221-2, 1°, 2°, 3° and 5° of I and II of article R. 5221-3 and may not be entered into by holders of the residence permits mentioned in 11° of article R. 5221-2, by the holder of a provisional residence permit issued pursuant to article L. 425-10 du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile et le titulaire du visa d’une durée supérieure à trois mois prévu au 4° de l’article R. 431-16 of the same code.