Local reactovigilance correspondents are responsible for :
1° Recording and analysing any reported incident or risk of incident likely to be due to an in vitro diagnostic medical device;
2° Declaring without delay to the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé any incident or risk of incident of which they are aware;
3° To inform the manufacturers, agents, importers or distributors concerned of the incidents or risks of incidents mentioned above, and to inform, where appropriate, those responsible for other health product vigilance within the same establishment;
4° Participating in investigations, assessments and expert appraisals that may be carried out into incidents or risks of incidents that may occur with in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
5° Giving opinions and advice to the health professionals mentioned in article R. 5222-12 to help them report incidents;
6° Raising awareness of reactovigilance among all users and assisting in the evaluation of data concerning the safety and performance of in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
Local correspondents may be consulted by the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé on the evaluation of the incidents mentioned in Article R. 5232-17.