The president of the chamber and the two councillors of the court of appeal who make up the regional court for secure detention belong to the court of appeal within whose jurisdiction this court sits. They are appointed by the first president of the court for a period of three years after consultation with the general assembly of judges.
The first president appoints three alternate members for the same term and in accordance with the same procedures.
The president of the enforcement chamber or the president of the multidisciplinary committee for security measures may not be appointed president of the regional court.
The public prosecutor at the regional court for security retention shall be the public prosecutor.
The registry of the regional court for security retention is provided by the court registry.
The regional court for secure detention shall rule after hearing the views of both parties, during which the public prosecutor, the person concerned and his or her lawyer shall be heard.
The decisions of the regional court are notified, as appropriate, by the director of the prison or his delegate if the person is detained, by the director of the prison services of the socio-medico-judicial security centre or his delegate if the person is detained or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt if the person is free.
The president of the regional court may have any examinations, hearings, investigations, expert reports, requisitions or verifications carried out throughout France that are useful for the exercise of its powers.