The multi-year agreement provided for in Article L. 5312-3 is concluded between the State, represented by the Minister for Employment, the unemployment insurance management body, represented by its Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, and Pôle emploi, represented by the Chairman of its Board of Directors and its Managing Director.
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article L. 5312-3, this agreement determines :
1° The guidelines relating to the measures that the establishment implements to facilitate the recruitment operations of companies, to promote the integration, redeployment, professional promotion and geographical and professional mobility of people, whether or not they have a job ;
2° The procedures for compiling the jobseeker’s single file and access to this file;
3° Exchanges of data and information necessary for the fulfilment of the missions of the State, the unemployment insurance body mentioned in Article L. 5427-1 and Pôle emploi and meeting their needs.