The Scientific Advisory Board is responsible for :
1° To ensure the consistency of the Agency’s scientific strategy, taking into account recent developments both in methodology and in knowledge of the efficacy and safety of health products, in the national, European and international context;
2° Giving an opinion on research guidelines and on the Agency’s partnership and scientific programming policy;
3° Assisting the Director General of the Agency in drawing up the procedure for calls for research projects;
4° Issuing an opinion to the Agency’s Director General and the Board of Directors on the scope and duration of the missions, composition and consultation procedures of the commissions, committees and working groups mentioned in the seventh paragraph of Article R. 5322-14.
It may make recommendations on any scientific and technical issue falling within the institution’s remit. These recommendations are forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer.
The Scientific Advisory Board is consulted on the provisions of the Agency’s internal rules that concern it.