I. – The rules limiting the number of directorships provided for in II to IV of article L. 533-26 apply within an investment firm that meets one of the following conditions:
1° The balance sheet total, corporate or consolidated, exceeds fifteen billion euros for two consecutive financial years;
2° The Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution has decided that the investment firm is of significant importance in view of its internal organisation or the nature, scale and complexity of its activities.
Provisional administrators appointed to investment firms are not, in this capacity, subject to the rules limiting the number of directorships they may hold as provided for in Article L. 533-26.
II. – For the purposes of applying the rules limiting multiple directorships set out in II to IV of Article L. 533-26, the duties referred to in IV are taken into account if they are performed in a legal entity whose registered office is located in France or abroad.
The exercise, within the same undertaking or the same group within the meaning of 1° or 2° of III of article L. 533-26, of one or more mandates for one of the functions mentioned in 1° of IV of this article and of one or more mandates for one of the functions mentioned in 2° of IV of the same article, by a natural person to whom the rules limiting multiple mandates apply, is counted as one mandate for one of the functions mentioned in 1° of IV of article L. 533-26.
III. – When an investment firm meets the condition set out in 1° of I, the natural persons to whom the rules limiting multiple directorships apply must have complied with these rules by the time of approval of the accounts for the second financial year for which the balance sheet total or consolidated balance sheet total exceeds fifteen billion euros.
Where the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution has decided that the investment firm is of material importance pursuant to 2° of I, the natural persons to whom the rules limiting multiple directorships apply have three months from notification of the Autorité’s decision to comply with these rules.
In all other cases, a natural person who is in breach of the rules limiting multiple directorships has three months from the event that led to the breach to rectify the situation.