The following shall benefit from additional training under the agreements referred to in Article L. 6134-1:
1° Doctors and pharmacists who hold a doctorate in medicine or pharmacy allowing them to practise in the country in which they were obtained or in which they come from and who are not undergoing university training in France. They are appointed as associate trainees for a period of six months, renewable once, which may be split. The provisions applicable to students acting as interns set out in articles R. 6153-41, with the exception of the fourth paragraph, and R. 6153-44 of the Public Health Code, with the exception of the first and last paragraphs, apply to them. Their working hours are set at ten half-days per week, but may not exceed forty-eight hours per seven-day period, calculated as an average over a four-month period. They carry out their duties under the conditions defined in articles R. 6153-3, with the exception of the second paragraph, R. 6153-4, R. 6153-6 with the exception of the last paragraph, R. 6153-7, R. 6153-12 to R. 6153-14, R. 6153-17 and R. 6153-22 to R. 6153-24 of the Public Health Code;
2° Nurses from countries listed in an order issued by the Minister for Health, who hold a nursing diploma entitling them to practise in the country in which they obtained their diploma or their country of origin. The additional training takes the form of adaptation hospital internships;
3° Specialist doctors or dental surgeons mentioned in 2° of article L. 4111-1-2 who hold a specialist diploma allowing them to practise their specialty effectively and legally in their country of origin, under the conditions defined in articles R. 4111-33 to R. 4111-38 ;
4° Specialist pharmacists mentioned in 2° of article L. 4221-1-1 who hold a speciality diploma allowing them to practise the speciality effectively and legally in their country of origin, under the conditions defined in article R. 4221-33.
An order of the Minister for Health sets the selection, assignment and remuneration procedures for the staff mentioned in 1° and 2° of this article.