1° Income from the endowment;
2° The portion of the endowment that may be used up, as determined by the articles of association, up to an annual limit of 20% of the endowment. The unused portion of the endowment may not be less than 10% of the initial endowment or, for foundations with an endowment of more than 10 million euros, one million euros;
3° Financial income;
4° Proceeds from gifts and bequests;
5° Subsidies from international organisations, the State and public authorities;
6° Proceeds from sales and remuneration for services rendered;
7° Income from intellectual property;
8° Operating appropriations allocated by the founding members.
The statement of estimated income and expenditure and any amending statements may not be voted and implemented with an imbalance greater than the annual consumable portion of the endowment.
Within six months of the end of each financial year, the foundation draws up annual accounts certified by the auditor or his deputy.