The members of the Supervisory Board of public health institutions, including those with national or inter-regional jurisdiction, are appointed by order of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency for the region in which their main institution is located.
The Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall notify the authorities and bodies that are to sit on, be represented on or designate members of the Supervisory Board.
The members of the supervisory boards of public health institutions, who are neither ex officio members nor qualified personalities, are appointed as follows:
1° The representatives of the local authorities or their groupings are elected from among their members by the deliberative bodies of these authorities or their groupings. If one of the representatives of the local authorities sitting on the Supervisory Board falls under the incompatibilities or incapacities provided for in article L. 6143-6, the deliberative body of the local authority or its grouping appoints a new representative from among its members to replace him or her.
If there are several public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation that meet the conditions laid down in the previous sub-section, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall designate the establishment whose member municipalities together have the largest population.
If the local authorities or groups of local authorities fail to appoint their representatives within one month of the matter being referred to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, the State representative will make the appointment;
2° The members appointed by the hospital medical committee are elected by secret uninominal ballot and by an absolute majority of the votes cast. If this majority is not reached in the first round, a second round is organised. A relative majority is sufficient for the second ballot. In the event of a tie, the oldest member is elected from among the candidates;
3° The member appointed by the nursing, re-education and medico-technical care committee is elected from among its members by this committee. The election takes place by secret uninominal ballot and by an absolute majority of the votes cast. If this majority is not achieved in the first round, a second round is organised. A relative majority is sufficient for the second round. In the event of a tie, the oldest member is elected from among the candidates;
4° The trade union organisations entitled to appoint a member are determined by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency on the basis of the total number of votes they received, within the establishment concerned, in the elections to the establishment’s technical committee.
Where the supervisory board includes a staff representative, the seat is awarded to the trade union organisation with the highest number of votes.
Where the supervisory board has two staff representatives, the first seat is awarded to the trade union organisation with the highest number of votes. The second seat is awarded on the basis of the highest average between all the lists.