The Director General of the Regional Health Agency, applying the second paragraph of Article L. 6143-3-1, shall attach to the reasoned referral to the Regional Audit Chamber:
-the request for presentation of the recovery plan ;
-where applicable, the recovery plan presented by the establishment;
-comparative statements of activity, revenue and expenditure in relation to forecasts, mentioned in the second paragraph of article R. 6145-6, relating to the current financial year;
-the establishment’s financial accounts for the last three financial years.
The two-month period within which the Regional Audit Chamber must formulate its opinion and, where appropriate, its proposals, begins on receipt at the Registry of all the documents referred to in the previous paragraph which must be produced.
The President of the Regional Audit Chamber informs the Director of the institution of the referral and of the deadline by which he may present his observations, either in writing or orally.
The Chamber’s reasoned opinion is sent to the Regional Health Agency and to the institution.