I.-The health professionals and psychologists referred to in article 44 of law no. 85-772 of 25 July 1985 containing various provisions of a social nature, who come under the provisions of article L. 4138-2 or article L. 4143-1 of the Defence Code, who work in the medical centres and mobile care teams of the armed forces health service may participate, if they have the other qualifications required:
a) In permanent outpatient care, under the conditions provided for in articles R. 6315-1 to R. 6315-6-1 of this code;
b) Care activities in a public health establishment or a private health establishment authorised to provide the public hospital service;
c) The operation of call reception and regulation centres, as mentioned in article L. 6311-2, set up in emergency medical assistance services;
d) Communal and departmental emergency organisation schemes as mentioned in article L. 6311-1.
II – Military personnel holding one of the qualifications listed in article R. 6312-7 may take part in the schemes or activities mentioned in d of I.