At the end of the three years of service completed in application of the rider mentioned in article R. 6152-5-1, practitioners benefit from a seniority gain of two years pronounced by the Director General of the Centre National de Gestion.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Health facilities and services | Book I: Health establishments | Title V: Medical and pharmaceutical staff | Chapter II: Hospital practitioners | Section 1: Status of hospital practitioners | Subsection 4: Promotion. | Article R6152-22 of the French Public Health Code
At the end of the three years of service completed in application of the rider mentioned in article R. 6152-5-1, practitioners benefit from a seniority gain of two years pronounced by the Director General of the Centre National de Gestion.
Les praticiens bénéficient, à l’issue des trois ans de services accomplis en application de l’avenant mentionné à l’article R. 6152-5-1, d’un gain d’ancienneté de deux ans prononcé par le directeur général du Centre national de gestion.
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