A contractual practitioner holding a fixed-term contract concluded on the basis of article R. 6152-402 is entitled to :
1° Annual leave under the conditions laid down in the Labour Code ;
2° Sick leave, on presentation of a medical certificate, up to a maximum of six consecutive months, during which the person concerned receives his full salary as provided for in article R. 6152-416 for three months, then half salary for the following three months;
3° Long-term sick leave when the person concerned suffers from a duly diagnosed illness, which, with the exception of the illnesses mentioned in 4°, is on the list drawn up in application of article 28 of the aforementioned decree of 14 March 1986, and which requires costly and prolonged treatment and care, making it impossible for him/her to carry out his/her duties.
Long-term sick leave is granted for a maximum period of six months, during which the practitioner receives his full salary as provided for in article R. 6152-416.
A practitioner who has been granted long-term sick leave may not be granted further leave of this nature if he has not previously returned to work for one year;
4° Long-term leave if the person concerned is suffering from tuberculosis, mental illness, cancer, poliomyelitis or severe and acquired immunodeficiency and is unable to perform his duties.
Long-term leave is granted following the opinion of the medical committee referred to in article R. 6152-36 for a maximum period of six months per illness, during which the practitioner receives his full salary as provided for in article R. 6152-416 ;
5° In the event of an accident at work or occupational disease, to leave for the entire period of incapacity to work until complete recovery, consolidation of the injury or death.
In this case, the person concerned will receive his full emoluments for a maximum of six months;
6° Maternity, paternity and childcare or adoption leave in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in article R. 6152-819 ;
7° Unpaid parental leave of up to six months, under the conditions of article R. 6152-45;
8° Family solidarity leave under the conditions laid down in the Labour Code and the Social Security Code;
9° To parental presence leave under the conditions provided for by the Labour Code and the Social Security Code.
Contractual practitioners may, after receiving the opinion of the medical committee, benefit from a period of part-time therapeutic leave under the conditions laid down in articles L. 323-3 and R. 323-3 of the Social Security Code.
During the period of therapeutic part-time work, the contractual practitioner receives the full emoluments provided for in article R. 6152-416 of the present code, as well as the bonuses usually received, if he fulfils the conditions for granting them.
For the granting and renewal of the leave mentioned in 3° and 4° of this article, the director of the establishment may refer the matter to the medical committee for its opinion. On expiry of the entitlement to the leave referred to in this paragraph, the medical committee shall rule on the fitness of the person concerned to perform his duties.