The remuneration of the hospital practitioner, provided by the Centre national de gestion, includes the emoluments mentioned in 1° of article R. 6152-23 and the exclusive public service commitment allowance. The practitioner also receives, where applicable, allowances for participation in the permanent care service, which are paid to him by the host establishment, allowances for participation in competition juries and the allowances mentioned in article R. 6152-32.
The time spent looking for an assignment is taken into account when determining the length of service required for the application of the provisions of article R. 6152-32.
Without prejudice to the provisions relating to the accumulation of activities, the net remuneration received by the hospital practitioner seeking an assignment is reduced by the amount of net income received in respect of any mission or training period undertaken in the context of seeking an assignment, with the exception of the allowances mentioned in the second sentence of the first paragraph of this article.