Attached practitioners are eligible for promotion to the 12th step according to the following terms:
1st step: one year.
2nd step: two years
3rd step: two years.
4th step: two years.
5th step: two years.
6th step: two years.
7th step: two years.
8th step: two years.
9th step: two years.
10th step: three years.
11th step: four years.
The attached practitioner may be recruited at the step he/she has acquired in another establishment.
Practitioners recruited as attachés are classified at step 1. In the event that this classification results in a reduction in the amount of income previously received by the person concerned, he/she may benefit from a differential allowance, under conditions set by order of the ministers responsible for the budget and health, within the limit of the remuneration corresponding to the 11th step. This differential allowance is reduced as the person concerned moves up the pay scale.