When, at the end of the various periods of sick leave, long-term sick leave, long-term leave or accident at work, a practitioner on a three-year contract or a permanent contract is declared definitively unfit by the medical committee provided for in article R. 6152-36, he is dismissed. Any outstanding annual leave shall be adjusted.
An associate practitioner with a three-year contract or a contract of indefinite duration may be dismissed after receiving the opinion of the hospital medical committee or, where applicable, the medical advisory committee. The notice period is three months. The Director’s decision to dismiss shall state the reasons on which it is based.
The practitioner is entitled to compensation equal to the amount of the emoluments relating to the last month of activity, multiplied by the number of years of actual service in the establishment concerned, up to a maximum of twelve. Beyond full years, a period of service equal to or greater than six months is counted as one year; a period of service of less than six months is not taken into account for the calculation of entitlements.
Service as an attaché practitioner and service as an attaché practitioner for practitioners who have benefited from the provisions of article 33 of decree no. 2003-769 of 1 August 2003 will be taken into account, as long as they were performed consecutively.