Practitioners governed by the provisions of sections 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of this chapter are entitled to a professional interview each year, which gives rise to a report.
This interview is conducted by the head of department or the practitioner responsible for the internal structure to which they are assigned or, failing this, by the head of the division. It is carried out by the heads of divisions in the case of heads of department or heads of internal structures and by the chairman of the hospital medical committee in the case of heads of divisions.
The date of this interview is set by the practitioner who conducts it and is communicated to the person concerned at least eight days in advance.
This interview will mainly focus on:
1° An assessment of the clinical and, where applicable, non-clinical tasks carried out by the person concerned, taking into account the organisation and operation of the department;
2° The expression by the person concerned of his or her wishes for professional development;
3° The objectives relating to clinical and non-clinical tasks for the coming year;
4° The training plans of the person concerned, taking into account the medical project of the establishment and the structure to which he or she is assigned as well as his or her needs.
The interview is organised in such a way as to guarantee confidentiality.
Within thirty days of the interview, a report drawn up by the practitioner who conducted the interview is sent to the person concerned, who may add any comments and return it within fifteen days.
The report is signed by the practitioner who conducted the interview and then by the person concerned. It is kept in the patient’s file within the establishment.
The head of the department or, failing this, the chairman of the establishment’s medical committee may be asked by the person concerned to review the report of the professional interview within fifteen clear days from the date of notification to the person concerned.
He will notify the person concerned of his reply and the final report of the interview within the same period, from the date of receipt of the request.