I.-The medical biologists mentioned in article L. 6213-1, the doctors and pharmacists authorised to carry out the duties of medical biologist under articles L. 6213-2 and L. 6213-2-1 and the nurses working in the medical biology laboratory may prescribe and administer the vaccines appearing on the lists established by the decrees provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 6212-3 to persons whose age conditions and, where applicable, pathologies are specified by these decrees.
II – Vaccines are prescribed and administered within the medical biology laboratory under the following conditions:
1° The pharmacist practising in the medical biology laboratory declares his activity of administering or prescribing and administering vaccines, by any means that provides a date certain on receipt of the declaration, to the competent authority of the pharmacists’ association to which he belongs. The declaration must state the pharmacist’s surname, first name and identification number in the sectorial reference register of natural persons referred to in article L. 1470-4.
If the pharmacist has not received training in the administration or prescription of vaccines as part of his initial training, the declaration must be accompanied by a training certificate issued by a training organisation or structure that complies with the educational objectives set by order of the Minister for Health, enabling the pharmacist to know, in particular, for prescribing, the characteristics of vaccine-preventable diseases, the traceability of vaccinations and the main recommendations of the vaccination calendar and, for administration, the normative framework and public health objectives of vaccination, injection methods and post-injection monitoring.
When the pharmacist has already completed training in the administration of vaccines, provided by a training organisation or structure that complies with the educational objectives set out in the order issued in application of the previous paragraph, or specific training in vaccination against covid-19, provided under the conditions laid down in application of law no. 2020-546 of 11 May 2020 extending the state of health emergency and supplementing its provisions or law no. 2021-689 of 31 May 2021 relating to the management of the emergence from health crises, he/she is exempt from completing the part of the training relating to the administration of vaccines. In this case, the declaration must be accompanied by a certificate of completion of one or other of these training courses;
2° Nurses must declare their vaccine prescription activity in accordance with the procedures laid down in I of Article R. 4311-5-1;
3° The activity of administering or prescribing and administering vaccines may begin as soon as the declarations mentioned in 1° of this I and in the second paragraph of I of Article R. 4311-5-1 have been received, provided that the medical biology laboratory where the healthcare professionals mentioned in I work complies with the specifications relating to the technical conditions for carrying out this activity, the content of which is set by order of the Minister for Health.
III – The professionals mentioned in I shall enter in the health record, the vaccination record and the shared medical record of the person vaccinated their surname and first name, the name of the vaccine administered, the date of administration and the batch number. If this information is not recorded, they will issue the vaccinated person with a vaccination certificate containing this information.
In the absence of a shared medical file and subject to the consent of the person vaccinated, they will pass this information on to the person’s GP. This information is transmitted via a secure health messaging system that meets the conditions laid down in article L. 1470-5, where such a system exists.