Pursuant to III ofarticle 6 of law no. 90-1258 of 31 December 1990 relating to the practice of liberal professions subject to a legislative or regulatory status or whose title is protected and to companies for the financial participation of liberal professions and subject to the prohibitions provided for by article L. 6223-5, no more than one quarter of the capital of a société d’exercice libéral de biologistes médicaux may be held by one or more natural persons or legal entities not meeting the conditions of A or of 1°, 5° or 6° of B of I of article 5 of the same law.
However, when the private practice company is set up in the form of a partnership limited by shares, the proportion of capital held by persons other than those mentioned in article 5 of the aforementioned law of 31 December 1990 may be greater than that set in the preceding paragraph, without however being able to reach half of the said capital.