A partner practising within a “société d’exercice libéral” referred to in article R6223-62 may be excluded :
1° If they are subject to a disciplinary measure entailing a ban on practising or on the right to provide care to insured persons, equal to or greater than three months ;
2° If he contravenes the company’s operating rules.
This exclusion is decided by the members, acting by the enhanced majority provided for in the Articles of Association, calculated by excluding, in addition to the person concerned, the members who have been sanctioned for the same acts or for related acts, the unanimous decision of the other members practising within the company and entitled to decide on the matter must be obtained.
No exclusion decision may be taken if the member has not been duly convened to the General Meeting, at least fifteen days before the scheduled date and by any means that provides proof of the date of receipt, and if he has not been given the opportunity to present his defence on the specific facts of which he is accused.
The shares of the excluded member are either purchased by a buyer approved by the remaining members, or purchased by the company, which then reduces its capital.
If no agreement can be reached on the price at which the shares are to be sold or the value at which they are to be bought back, the procedure set out in Article 1843-4 of the French Civil Code is applied.