The amounts of the repayments mentioned in the first paragraph of II of Article L. 6131-4 of this code are determined each year, until a date set by order of the ministers responsible for national education, vocational training and higher education, on the basis of the amounts of the contributions due or, where applicable, the contributions recovered in accordance with I of Article L. 6131-3 of this code.
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations applies the management fees mentioned in the third paragraph of II of article L. 6131-4 of this code to the amount of these repayments.
The funds are paid by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations to the recipient institutions on dates set by order of the ministers responsible for national education, vocational training and higher education. It is subject to the prior repayment of the funds mentioned in the first paragraph.
Amendments or adjustments to social security declarations in respect of previous financial years or the current financial year made after the date mentioned in the first paragraph are taken into account by the collection bodies when the following year’s payments are made to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations. The resulting sums due or in excess for employers are taken into account to determine the amount they can allocate to the authorised establishments they designate for the following year. These modifications and adjustments do not give rise to an additional payment or a refund of the sums paid to the recipient establishments for the year in question.