Pedagogical supervision of apprenticeship training leading to a diploma is carried out by the relevant certifying minister, who informs the regional prefect.
The inspection may be requested by an apprentice training centre, an apprentice’s employer, an apprentice or his legal representative if he is a minor. The request is made to the regional prefect, who forwards it to the relevant ministry.
The inspection is carried out jointly by at least one person from each of the categories mentioned in 1°, 2° and 3° of article R. 6251-1. If the persons mentioned in 2° or 3° of this article have not been designated after the formal notice provided for in article R. 6251-1, the inspection may be carried out in their absence.
The inspection will focus on the implementation of the training with regard to the reference documents for the diploma concerned.
It is carried out on the basis of documents and at the apprentice’s place of training.
The persons responsible for the inspection may ask the inspected bodies to provide them with all documents and records relevant to the inspection.
The persons responsible for the inspection are bound by professional secrecy on all matters relating to manufacturing processes, under the conditions laid down in articles 226-13 and 226-14 of the French Criminal Code.