Once a year, if the theoretical number of vehicles determined in accordance with articles R. 6312-30 and R. 6312-31 is greater than the number of vehicles already authorised, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the health transport sub-committee, will determine the priorities for the allocation of additional authorisations for entry into service. These priorities are designed to ensure the best possible distribution of medical transport resources in the department, in particular by encouraging a balance between the different categories of vehicle and equipping areas with particularly poor medical transport resources.
The Director General of the Regional Health Agency informs the public of the number of new authorisations that may be granted and the priorities for granting them, by means of an announcement in a publication authorised to carry legal notices and, where appropriate, by posting or other means of publicity. The deadline for receipt of applications, as indicated in the aforementioned publication, runs from the date of the publication and may not be less than one month.
Applications must specify the identity of the applicant, the number of authorisations requested, and the category and municipality in which the vehicles are to be located, failing which they will be inadmissible. Applications must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or delivered by hand in return for a receipt, to the Regional Health Agency within the time limit specified.