Telemedicine, as defined in article L. 6316-1 , refers to medical acts performed at a distance, by means of a device using information and communication technologies. The following constitute telemedicine procedures
1° Teleconsultation, the purpose of which is to enable a medical professional to give a remote consultation to a patient. A healthcare professional may be present with the patient and, where appropriate, assist the medical professional during the teleconsultation. The psychologists mentioned in article 44 of law no. 85-772 of 25 July 1985 containing various provisions of a social nature may also be present with the patient;
2° Telerexpertise, the purpose of which is to enable a healthcare professional to seek the opinion of one or more medical professionals remotely, by virtue of their training or particular skills, on the basis of health information relating to the care of a patient;
3° Remote medical monitoring, the purpose of which is to enable a medical professional to remotely interpret the data necessary for the medical monitoring of a patient and, where appropriate, to take decisions relating to the care of this patient; the recording and transmission of data may be automated or carried out by the patient himself or by a healthcare professional;
4° Medical remote assistance, the purpose of which is to enable a medical professional to provide remote assistance to another healthcare professional during the performance of a procedure;
5° The medical response provided as part of the medical regulation mentioned in article L. 6311-2 and the third paragraph of article L. 6314-1.