The schedule of conditions of sale shall be filed by the pursuer at the registry of the enforcement judge of the competent judicial court within two months of the publication of the order of the official receiver.
As an exception to subsections 2 and 4 of section 1 and sections 2 and 3 of the chapitre II du titre II du livre III du code des procédures civiles d’exécution, at the latest on the fifth working day following the filing of the schedule of conditions of sale, the pursuing creditor notifies, by bailiff’s deed, the creditors registered at their elected domicile and, if the sale relates to community property, the debtor’s spouse, of the date of the auction hearing. The date is set, at his own initiative, within a period of between two and four months following the date of the notice.
In addition to the particulars prescribed for bailiff’s documents, the notice shall contain, under penalty of nullity:
1° An indication of the place, day and time of the auction hearing of the enforcement judge;
2° A summons to acquaint oneself with the schedule of conditions of sale and an indication of the registry of the enforcement judge and of the office of the pursuing party’s lawyer where it may be consulted ;
3° An indication, in very conspicuous characters, that on pain of inadmissibility, only disputes relating to a procedural act subsequent to the order of the official receiver may be raised, within fifteen days of the act or, where applicable, its notification, by lawyer’s submissions filed at the registry of the enforcement judge.
For the purposes of 3°, the notice is equivalent to notification of the conditions of sale.
In the event of a challenge made pursuant to 3°, the parties are summoned to a hearing by the clerk’s office of the enforcement judge, in accordance with the third paragraph of Article R. 311-6 of the code of civil enforcement procedures.
When the time limits mentioned in the first and second paragraphs have been exceeded, the enforcement judge shall declare the order of the official receiver null and void, unless a legitimate reason is shown.