The single, simplified declaration makes it possible to comply with :
1° The declarations provided for by the following provisions, or required for their application:
a) Articles 87 A and 87-0 A of the General Tax Code ;
b) Articles L. 922-2 , R. 243-2 , R. 243-13 , R. 243-14 and R. 312-4 of the Social Security Code ;
c) Articles L. 1221-10 and L. 1221-11, relating to the pre-employment declaration;
d) Article R. 1234-9, relating to the unemployment insurance certificate;
e) Article L. 4622-6, relating to expenditure on occupational health services;
f) Articles L. 6331-55 and L. 6331-56, relating to the participation of employers of intermittent employees in the development of continuing vocational training;
g) Articles R. 4622-1 to R. 4622-4, relating to the organisation of the occupational health service;
h) Articles R. 4624-10 to R. 4624-15, relating to the information and prevention visit, or articles R. 4624-24 to R. 4624-27 relating to the medical examination for fitness;
i) Articles R. 5422-5 and R. 5422-6, relating to the obligation to insure against the risk of loss of employment and the obligation for the employer to send declarations to Pôle emploi (1) ;
j) Article D. 7121-40, relating to affiliation to the paid leave fund for performing artists;
2° Declarations and payment of contributions and the deduction at source provided for in Article 204 A of the General Tax Code due:
a) To the bodies responsible for collecting contributions under the general social security scheme;
b) To Pôle emploi on behalf of the body mentioned in article L. 5427-1 (2) ;
c) Institutions implementing the supplementary pension schemes mentioned in Chapter I of Title II of Book IX of the Social Security Code;
d) Inter-company occupational health services organised in application of article L. 4622-2 ;
e) To the skills operator responsible for collecting the contribution mentioned in article L. 6331-55;
f) To the paid leave fund mentioned in article D. 7121-38 ;
g) The tax authorities.