The committee meets when convened by the administrative authority defined in article R. 7124-1, as often as necessary. It submits a detailed opinion on each application for individual authorisation or approval submitted to it.
Its deliberations are valid only when at least three of its members, including the person responsible for chairing it, have given their opinion.
It delivers its opinion by a majority of the votes of the members present or having made their opinion known. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.
By decision of the administrative authority defined in article R. 7124-1, the vote of each of its members may be recorded in digital form.
It may, in all circumstances, hear the child and his legal representatives, separately or otherwise, at their request or at the request of one of its members.
It may also hear any person qualified by virtue of their expertise in the field of child protection or their knowledge of the sector of activity concerned by the application.