The National Council of Commercial Courts is chaired by the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice.
It also comprises:
1° Five ex officio members:
a) The director of judicial services;
b) The director of civil affairs and the seal;
c) The director of criminal affairs and pardons;
d) The president of the general conference of consular judges of France;
e) The president of the national council of commercial court clerks.
The Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, and the other five ex officio members of the council may be represented;
2° Fourteen members appointed by the Keeper of the Seals:
a) A first president of a court of appeal;
b) A public prosecutor at a court of appeal;
c) A member of the Council of State appointed on the proposal of the vice-president of the Council of State;
d) Nine consular judges, no more than two of whom have the status of honorary judge, having served in a commercial court for at least two years. Honorary consular judges must have ceased their judicial activity for less than three years at the time of their appointment;
e) Two qualified personalities, one of whom is appointed on the proposal of the President of the Economic and Social Council.
The members mentioned in 2° serve a four-year term, renewable once.
An alternate member is appointed under the same conditions for each full member.
Any vacancy or loss of the capacity in respect of which they were appointed gives rise to a replacement for the remainder of the term of office, if it occurs more than three months before the normal end of the term.