Copies issued by registrars relating to entries made in the legal publicity registers for which they are responsible may be disseminated electronically under the conditions set out in this article:
a) The information is disseminated directly by the competent registry. However, the registrars may join together within a group having either one of the forms authorised by Article L. 743-12, or an associative form. This group is responsible for centralising calls and directing them to the relevant registry. The registrars may, under the same conditions, enter into agreements for the same purposes with the National Institute of Industrial Property for the latter’s attributions;
b) The information shall relate only to entries appearing, pursuant to legislative and regulatory texts, in the registers which the registrars are responsible for keeping;
c) The information shall be issued as entered in the registers or on the deeds annexed thereto, without undergoing any processing whatsoever, subject to the provisions laid down in the regulatory act adopted pursuant to the loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés.