When selecting a successful candidate from the competition provided for in article R. 742-6-1, the Registrar shall designate, from among the candidates from the same class, the highest-ranked candidate, provided that the candidate undertakes to pay the compensation requested.
When selecting a company composed wholly or partly of successful candidates from the competition provided for in Article R. 742-6-1, the Registrar shall ensure that there is no successful candidate from the same graduating class who is ranked higher than any of the partners of the said company, among the other candidates who meet the conditions for appointment and who have undertaken to pay the compensation requested.
Where several companies apply, each of which has a partner ranked higher than one of the partners of the other company, and no other candidate meeting the conditions set out in the previous paragraph is ranked higher, the Registrar shall appoint one or other of these companies.
The Registrar shall appoint one or other of these companies.