The following are exempt from the diploma requirement provided for in 6° of Article R. 742-1 :
1° Former judges governed by the ordonnance n° 58-1270 du 22 décembre 1958 portant loi organique relative au statut de la magistrature ;
2° Former lawyers previously entered on the roll, former avoués près les cours d’appel and former avocats à la Cour de cassation et au Conseil d’Etat having served for at least five years ;
3° Former notaries, former bailiffs and former auctioneers who have held office for at least five years;
4° Persons who have been registered for at least five years on a list of legal advisers;
5° Former receivers and court-appointed administrators, former court-appointed administrators and liquidating agents who have carried out their duties for at least three years;
6° Former category A civil servants or persons assimilated to civil servants in this category who have carried out legal or tax activities in an administration or public service for at least five years.