I.-The application shall be accompanied by a file containing the information listed below and, in an appendix, the impact analysis defined in III of Article L. 752-6.
1° Information relating to the project:
a) For projects to create a retail shop: the sales area and the sector of activity;
b) For projects to create a commercial complex:
– the overall sales area;
– the sales area and sector of activity of each of the shops with more than 300 square metres of sales area;
– the estimated number of shops with less than 300 square metres of sales area and the total sales area of these shops;
c) For projects to create or extend a permanent point of withdrawal:
– a description of the withdrawal point;
– the number of refuelling lanes, including dedicated parking spaces;
– the square metres of floor space, whether built-up or not, allocated to the withdrawal of goods;
d) For projects to extend one or more retail shops:
– the sector of activity and class, within the meaning of the French nomenclature of activities (NAF), of the shop or shops whose extension is envisaged;
– the existing sales area;
– the extension of sales area requested;
– the sales area envisaged after extension;
e) For projects to change sector of activity:
– the sales area of the shop and the sector of activity abandoned;
– the sales area and sector of activity envisaged;
f) For substantial modification projects: a description of the authorised project, the modifications envisaged and the project after modifications;
g) Other information:
– if the project forms part of an existing commercial complex: a list of the shops in this commercial complex operating on more than 300 square metres of sales area, and optionally, a reference to the signs of these shops;
– if the project includes a car park: the total number of spaces, the number of spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility and, where applicable, the number of spaces dedicated to powering electric or rechargeable hybrid vehicles, the number of non-impervious spaces and the number of spaces dedicated to car-sharing and car-pooling;
– open-ground landscaping;
– any ancillary activities not falling within the scope of the law;
2° Maps or plans relating to the project:
a) A site plan showing the sales area of the retail shops, commercial complexes or permanent points of withdrawal;
b) A plan showing the layout of the project on the plot or plots of land concerned: locations and surface areas of buildings, areas for parking and manoeuvring delivery vehicles and customer vehicles, areas for product storage, green spaces;
c) A map or plan showing the layout of the project on the plot or plots of land concerned.
c) A map or plan showing how the project site is served by public transport, footpaths and cycle paths;
> d) A map or plan showing how the project site is served by public transport, footpaths and cycle paths.
d) A map or plan of the main roads and road layouts serving the project and the layouts planned as part of the project;
> In the case of a project located in the vicinity of a public transport network, a map or plan of the main roads and road layouts serving the project and the layouts planned as part of the project
e) In the case of a project located in or near a commercial zone: the plan or map of this zone;
3° Effects of the project on spatial planning.
The file includes a presentation of the effects of the project on spatial planning, including the following elements:
a) Consideration of the objective of compactness of buildings and parking areas;
b) Assessment of the daily flows of vehicle traffic generated by the project on the main routes serving the site, as well as the residual capacity for accommodating existing transport infrastructure;
c) Assessment of the daily flows of delivery vehicle traffic generated by the project and description of access to the project for these vehicles;
d) Indication of the distance of the project from public transport stops, and the frequency and range of hours of service to these stops;
e) Forecast analysis of travel flows in the catchment area, all modes of transport combined, according to customer categories;
f) In the case of planned improvements to the project service: all documents guaranteeing their financing and actual implementation on the date of opening of the retail facility for developments borne at least in part by the local authorities, a mention of the main characteristics of these developments, an estimate of the indirect transport-related costs borne by the authorities including the public transport service, as well as a presentation of the economic and other benefits that these developments will bring to the authorities;
4° Effects of the project in terms of sustainable development.
The file includes a presentation of the effects of the project in terms of sustainable development, including the following elements:
a) Presentation of measures, other than those resulting from regulatory obligations, designed to reduce the energy consumption of buildings;
b) Where applicable, description of the renewable energies incorporated into the project and their contribution to the energy performance of buildings, and provision of a descriptive list of construction products, equipment and materials used in the project and whose environmental and health impact has been assessed over their entire life cycle;
c) Where applicable, within the limits set by articles L. 229-25 and R. 229-47 of the Environmental Code, a description of the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions that the project is likely to generate and the measures envisaged to limit them;
d) Description of the measures to limit soil sealing;
e) Description of the measures to limit pollution associated with the activity, particularly in terms of rainwater management and waste treatment;
f) Description of the visual, light, olfactory and noise nuisances generated by the project and the measures likely to limit their extent;
g) Where applicable, if the project is not subject to an impact study, description of the fauna and flora protection zones on the project site and the compensation measures envisaged;
5° Effects of the project in terms of consumer protection.
The dossier includes a presentation of the effects of the project in terms of consumer protection, including the following elements:
a) Distance of the project from the main residential areas in the catchment area;
b) Where applicable, contribution of the project to improving shopping comfort, in particular by saving time and making it more convenient and adapting to changing consumer patterns;
c) Where applicable, description of measures to enhance local production channels;
d) Assessment of natural, technological or mining risks and, where applicable, description of measures to ensure consumer safety;
6° Effects of the project on social matters.
The file may include any elements relating to the project’s contribution to social matters, in particular:
a) Partnerships with town centre businesses and local associations;
b) Agreements with local government departments responsible for employment.
II.-.The impact analysis shall include, after a reminder of the elements mentioned in 1° of I, the following elements and information:
1° Information relating to the catchment area and the immediate surroundings of the project:
a) A map or plan showing, superimposed, the boundaries of the commune in which the project is to be located, those of the public establishment for inter-communal cooperation of which the commune in which the project is to be located is a member, and those of the catchment area, accompanied by:
– information justifying the demarcation of the catchment area;
– the population of each commune or part of a commune included in this area, the total population of this area and its change between the last census authenticated by decree and the census authenticated by decree ten years previously;
– where tourist numbers are mentioned in the catchment area, information justifying the figures given;
Where applicable, the regional regeneration schemes defined in I of article L. 303-2 of the French Construction and Housing Code will be indicated, with identification of the intervention sectors as provided for in II of the same article L. 303-2;
> b) A map or plan of the catchment area, including the location of the project, the location of the business premises and the average journey time by vehicle between these locations and the project.
b) A map or plan of the surroundings of the project, accompanied by a description showing, within the perimeter of the communes bordering the commune of implantation included in the catchment area defined for the project, where applicable:
– the location of commercial activities (commercial centres and shopping streets, covered market halls and markets) and, where applicable, vacant commercial premises;
– the location of other activities (agricultural, industrial, tertiary) and public amenities;
– the location, in the town centre and on the outskirts, of any wasteland, particularly commercial or industrial, likely to accommodate the project. For the purposes of this article, wasteland is defined as any unused plot of land that has been partially sealed;
– the location of housing areas (specifying their nature: collective, individual, social);
– current and future transport links (road, public transport, cycling, pedestrian);
Where applicable, urban planning operations, housing programmes, priority urban policy districts and free urban zones and known land availability will be indicated;
c) A brief description and location, based on a map, of the main commercial centres located close to the catchment area and the average journey time by vehicle between these centres and the project;
3° Presentation of the effects of the project in terms of consumer protection, in particular in terms of the variety, diversification and complementarity of the offer proposed by the project with the existing offer, including the following elements;
4° Presentation of the effects of the project in terms of soil artificialisation and, for any project resulting in soil artificialisation:
a) Justification for the integration of the project into the surrounding urbanisation, in particular by improving the functional mix of the sector, and its compliance with the town planning rules in force, as well as justification for the absence of an alternative to the consumption of natural, agricultural or forest space. A map of the project or a plan shall be provided in support of this justification;
a) A description of the contribution of the project to the development of the area in question.
b) A description of the project’s contribution to the needs of the area, based in particular on the demographic development of the area, the retail vacancy rate and the supply of square metres of retail space already in existence in the project’s catchment area;
c) Alternatively:
-or justification that the project is located in an area covered by an area regeneration scheme defined in I of Article L. 303-2 of the French Building and Housing Code or in a priority urban policy district. This justification must be supported by a map of the project or a plan;
-or justification that the project forms part of a development operation as defined in article L. 300-1 of the French Town Planning Code within an already urbanised area. This justification must be supported by a map of the project or a plan;
-or justification that the measures presented make it possible to compensate for the planned or foreseeable direct or indirect damage caused by the project, by transforming artificial land into non-artificial land, within the meaning of Article L. 101-2-1 of the Town Planning Code, in order to restore in an equivalent manner or improve the ecological and agronomic functions altered by the project.
Equivalence is assessed in qualitative and quantitative terms. The gains obtained by compensation must be at least equal to the losses caused by the project.
The compensation measures are implemented, in addition to what can be done in the immediate vicinity of the project, as a priority within preferential renaturation areas when such areas are identified in application of 4° of I of article L. 151-7 of the town planning code or 3° of article L. 141-10 of the same code and the measures form part of the development and programming guidelines;
-or the justification for integrating the project within a peripheral location sector or an urban centrality, identified in the guidance and objectives document of the territorial coherence plan, or within a commercial activity zone delineated in the regulations of the inter-municipal local town planning plan, which came into force before 23 August 2021.
A map of the project or a plan is provided to support this justification.
The impact assessment specifies, for each item of information, its sources, unless otherwise justified, and, for each calculation, its method.