This Code of Ethics applies to all employees, whatever their duties.
It concerns in particular:
1° The Director General of Labour and the agents of the Directorate General of Labour involved in the public labour inspection service;
2° The Regional Directors of the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity and their deputies, heads of the “labour policy” division, the Regional and Interdepartmental Director of the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity and his deputy head of the “labour policy” division, the Departmental Directors of Employment, Labour and Solidarity and their deputies responsible for the labour inspection system, the departmental directors of employment, labour, solidarity and population protection and their deputies responsible for the labour inspection system, the departmental unit directors of the Ile de France regional and interdepartmental directorate for the economy, employment, labour and solidarity and their deputies responsible for the labour inspection system, as well as management staff;
3° The labour inspection officers mentioned in article L. 8112-1 ;
4° Medical labour inspectors, without prejudice to the code of medical ethics mentioned in articles R. 4127-1 et seq. of the Public Health Code;
5° Employees of the “labour policy” divisions of the Regional Directorates for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity, in Ile-de-France, the Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity, the Departmental Directorates for Employment, Labour and Solidarity, the Departmental Directorates for Employment, du travail, des solidarités et de la protection des populations et des unités départementales de la direction régionale et interdépartementale de l’économie, de l’emploi, du travail et des solidarités d’Ile de France, notamment les ingénieurs de prévention, les agents des unités de contrôle et des services mettant en œuvre la politique du travail ;
6° Employees of departments providing information to the public on labour legislation;
7° Employees of the national monitoring, support and control group provided for in article R. 8121-15;
8° Public officials assimilated to the inspection control officials mentioned in the last paragraph of article L. 8112-1 reporting to the central authority of the labour inspection system.