1° For natural persons :
a) Identity (surname, first name(s), gender, date and place of birth);
b) SIREN or SIRET number or, where applicable, registration number in a professional register or other equivalent reference for a person established abroad, or with a body responsible for collecting social security contributions;
c) Business address;
d) Main activity carried out (APE/ NAF);
e) Nature of the offence referred to in article R. 8211-2;
f) Date and operative part of the decision;
g) Date of publication on line;
h) Duration of publication and date on which publication ends;
i) References of the court and indication of any appeal or appeal to the Supreme Court where the trial judge has ordered provisional enforcement of the judgment or ruling pursuant to articles 471 and 512 of the Code of Criminal Procedure respectively;
2° For legal entities:
a) Company name, corporate purpose or status;
b) Identity of the legal representative when the latter is also convicted;
c) SIREN or SIRET number or, where applicable, registration number in a professional register, or other equivalent reference for a person established abroad;
d) Address of the registered office;
e) Principal activity carried out (APE/ NAF);
f) Nature of the offence referred to in article R. 8211-2;
g) Date and operative part of the decision;
h) Date of online publication;
i) Duration and end date of publication;
j) Court references.