If the employer fails to respond to the injunction, the project owner or client shall inform the officer who issued the alert within two days of the expiry of the time limit provided for in article R. 8281-2.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Eight: Monitoring the application of employment legislation | Book II: Combating illegal employment | Title VIII: Obligations of the principal with regard to the application of employment legislation | Chapter I: Customer due diligence and liability | Article R8281-3 of the French Labour Code
If the employer fails to respond to the injunction, the project owner or client shall inform the officer who issued the alert within two days of the expiry of the time limit provided for in article R. 8281-2.
En l’absence de réponse de l’employeur à son injonction, le maître d’ouvrage ou le donneur d’ordre informe l’agent auteur du signalement dans les deux jours suivant l’expiration du délai prévu par l’article R. 8281-2.
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