In addition to the information already contained in the secondment declaration referred to in Article L. 1262-2-1, the declaration referred to in Article R. 8293-2 is accompanied by the passport photograph of each seconded employee and, where applicable, the number of the work permit or residence permit valid as a work permit.
This declaration is made by electronic means on a dedicated website of the union of funds mentioned in Article R. 8291-2.
Any declaration that does not comply will be rejected and the card will not be issued. Submission of an identity photograph that does not comply with the standards set out in article 6-1 of decree no. 2005-1726 of 30 December 2005 relating to passports constitutes valid grounds for not issuing the card or for invalidating the card issued by the union des caisses mentioned in article R. 8291-2.
After payment of the fee referred to in Article R. 8291-3, the union of funds referred to in Article R. 8291-2 will send the professional identification card or, where applicable, a provisional certificate equivalent to a professional identification card to the service provider company established abroad or, where applicable, to its representative in France.