The categories of personal data that may be recorded in the automated processing are as follows:
1° Personal data relating to the holder of the professional identification card: surname and forenames, gender, date and place of birth, nationality, nature of the employment contract, digitised identity photograph and, for foreign employees holding an authorisation or a residence permit valid as a work authorisation, the number of this card;
2° Personal data relating to the employee’s employer and, where applicable, the user company of a temporary employee on secondment;
a) For natural persons :
-identity (surname, first names, gender, date and place of birth), nationality(ies), company name, SIRET or SIREN or failing that the registration number in a professional register or with a body responsible for collecting social security contributions, professional postal and electronic address, main activity carried out (APE/ NAF) ;
b) For legal entities:
-company name, corporate purpose or status, identity of the legal representative or the representative in France, SIREN or SIRET number or, failing that, the registration number in a professional register, address of the registered office, principal activity carried out (APE/ NAF);
3° Information relating to the site or place of business: address, start date of the site, foreseeable duration of the site or end date of the site.
The information listed in 1°, 2° and 3° of this article is mentioned by employers and user companies of posted temporary workers on the declarations mentioned in articles R. 8293-1 to R. 8293-3.